[Guangdong Yingzun Law Firm] is a comprehensive member law firm established by Winteam 500 in Shenzhen-the window of China's reform and opening up, which inherits Winteam 500's persistent cultural genes of "people orientation, innovation-driven transformation, opening & sharing, execution first", always carries through business culture of "Ideal, Action, Persistence", and takes root in Shenzhen to serve clients in Central South China, while radiating all over China. The law firm promotes combing practice with theory, strengthens training of high-quality and interdisciplinary legal professionals, continuously enhances internal professional quality, exploits new areas of legal services, in order to create superior value of legal effectiveness for the good of the clients. One of our major businesses is to provide enterprises and entrepreneurs with professional legal services, to this end, we put together legal experts in the areas of corporate governance, human resource, contract management, commercial litigation, intellectual property, criminal risk prevention etc, to form our legal consultant team, striving to deliver better comprehensive legal services for the clients.
2020年10月14日上午10时,中共广东瀛尊律师事务所支部委员会组织律所党员和律师,观看深圳经济特区建立40周年庆祝大会直播,庆祝深圳经济特区建立40周年。 中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平出席了深圳经济特区建立40周年庆祝大会并发表重要讲话,回顾了40年来深圳经济特区实现的五大历史性跨越,总结了经济特区40年改革开放、创新发展积累的十条宝贵经验,对新时代深圳经济特区建设提出六项明确要求,对经济特区党的建设和精神
瀛尊秋游 2020-郴州游 最美时光在路上 瀛尊家人郴州行 时维九月 正逢初秋 瀛尊家人齐齐整 解锁福城林邑之都 探步湘南红色路线 郴州游-DAY 1 披星戴月不忘早,7点半我们就集合啦!瀛尊的小伙伴装备齐全,走起! 350km/h复兴号穿云过洞,奔赴一顿红火热辣湘午宴。 浩浩荡荡的瀛尊大部队直接包场咯! 饱暖湘汤穿肠灌肚,乘兴而至第一个景点飞天山。 飞天山国家地质公园属典型的丹霞地貌,位于湖南省郴州市苏仙区境内。整个风景区,以丹岩堡寨为特色
法制记事 2020年8月19日,广东瀛尊律师事务所政府业务团队接受广东卫视《珠江周刊》深圳特区40周年 先行先试再出发有关法治制度创新建设方面的采访,展现政府采购律师周一至周五全天候进驻社区、进驻街道,为社区和街道等提供常态化法律服务,促进基层依法行政与制度创新,助力提高基层治理水平。该节目于2020年8月29日播出 (https://www1.gdtv.cn/tv/d9dfaa1126da6c3542718bc668816802)为深圳特区40周年献上一件法治小礼物。 法治建设需要从基层添砖加瓦,基
Dear clients,
It has been found that some lawbreakers pretended to be Yingzun’s lawyers to carry out fraud activities recently. We hereby strongly condemn such fraudulent acts, and we will thoroughly investigate for legal responsibility for such lawbreakers.
We hereby respectfully request you to be vigilant, to avoid being deceived.